Monday, October 10, 2011

Burdens Become Blessings

As Erin and I were driving through the streets on the way home from working at the community center, I looked outside the window at my surroundings. There were goats standing in the middle of the road, cars and mopeds in every direction cutting people off, vendors waving items for sale in the air, and beggars in need. It was nothing out of the ordinary, all part of the lifestyle I’ve become so used to.

A small boy walked towards our truck and on his shoulder rested the hand of a blind man, most likely his father. His clothes were dirty and torn. They both looked tired, as if they had been walking in the heat of the sun all day. I rolled down the window to hand him a coin. As I looked into his face, my heart broke for him as it does for so many I see on the streets. Except today was different....I really saw him for the first time. The reality of his situation, along with countless numbers of Senegalese, sunk in. None of them have a choice. This little boy did not choose to be here leading a blind man, but was expected to. Children here do not grow up dreaming of what they want to become because they are rarely given a choice about their future. It is a known fact that if you are a boy you will find whatever job available to provide for your family. Usually this would be a fisherman, carpenter, tailor, or vendor. If you are a girl, you are expected to cook, clean, and raise the children. It is the way of life and survival. If you are unfortunate enough to be born with a disability, then your chances of ever finding a job are slim and you are forced onto the streets to beg. They are all living in a hopeless world. I can see in their eyes no belief of it one day becoming better.

Even in their religion, there is no hope. Whether they enter heaven or hell is all dependent upon if their good works outweigh their bad. I cannot imagine going through each day and not knowing for certain. How amazing would it be for them to understand that they can make the most important choice of their lives, right now? They can decide between life and death. No matter whom they are: man, woman, or child they can make that decision and no one can take it away from them. I want to share this with as many as I can, giving them something to live for.  

Recently I have been stressed about my future decisions. I am certain God is using this year not only as a ministry for the here and now, but also to teach me how I can best apply my skills and passion to serve once I leave this place. Still, the same questions run through my mind over and over again like someone is pressing the replay button. What should I major in at college? What school will I go to? Will I return to Texas? All the options can be overwhelming and I desperately want to choose the right one God has for me. Sometimes the pressure to pick a career and succeed can be enough to make me want to throw my arms in the air and yell “I’m done!” Today, after realizing how blessed I am to have any choice at all, I became so grateful. At that moment, God turned all my burdens to blessings. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

What is a Talibe?

Whenever you visit Senegal, one of the first people you will come in contact with is a talibe. Talibes are boys between the ages of 3-16 who spend their days begging on the streets for money. You will recognize them by the red tomato can they carry in their hands for collecting coins. How did they end up there? Well, often their families were financially unable to feed them and take care of them. In other cases, they believe it is the best way for them to learn to be a devout Muslim. The word "talibe" means follower. So, they are becoming followers of Islam and the Koran. Whatever the reason may be, the parents send their boys to live with the religious leader of the village called a marabout. Very few talibes know who their parents are or where they live. In the mornings, they are taught to memorize the Koran and in the afternoons they roam the city, crossing busy streets, and begging for money. Living conditions for the talibes are some of the lowest among the people. At night, large numbers of boys will be packed into one room to sleep on mats in the sand. Many suffer from skin diseases, malaria, and other health problems. While some marabouts treat their boys as students and do their best to meet their basic needs, others are not so generous. If a boy disobeys or returns from the streets without enough money he could be beaten.

A large part of my ministry during my stay here involves the talibes. Several times a week I have been working at centers that provide safety and supplies for the boys. They are able to come and receive food, medical care, and showers. It is a place where they can be kids and have fun, if only for a few hours. We also take advantage of this time to show them God's love and share stories from the Word. I ask that you please remember the talibes in your prayers. Pray also for a renewed energy for each worker at the center.

Gorée Island

At the end of August, I took a trip to Gorée Island which is a short distance from the coast. Gorée used to be known as the main center of trade between slaves. It is the most western point of Africa which made it easy to load slaves onto ships and send them to other countries. One slave house still remains on the island as a historical site. Here are a few photos from the trip:

Inside one of the rooms that held up to 50 slaves
"The Door of No Return"

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Missions Retreat

During the week of August 23-28 my roommate, Erin, and I left to do a children's program at a missions retreat. We traveled about two hours out of the busy city of Dakar and faced the bumpy roads. Only in Africa does one drive beside the road, instead of on it, to avoid the potholes. But no worries, we arrived safely in the small city of Lac Rose, also known as pink lake. A short ways from the ocean sits a lagoon with water that actually appears pink due to the large amounts of salt.

The children's program was a huge success. We spent the week doing a type of VBS with stories, games, crafts, and movies. We taught the kids about prayer and explained how it is simply talking to God. By the end of the week, we had built some great relationships and I was sad to say goodbye.

This camel for whatever reason did not like me. I'm pretty sure I heard him growling at me.

This little boy gave us lots of giggles throughout the week. He found this kitten and it became his best friend.  Right before I snapped this picture, he was singing to it and rocking it back and forth in his arms. Next thing I know he's saying, "Tante, tante (Auntie Auntie), look!" I turn around to find him standing and holding the cat while he pretends to strum it as he yells, "It's a guitar!"

Movie nights were a hit!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

To the Airport: Ready for Takeoff

My family and I left DFW airport on August 13th bright and early. My amazing friends woke up and came to the airport to say goodbye. I love them all so much and miss them!! Be jealous, cause they're the best. It was a sad time, but I'm excited to see where we all will be a year from now.

We flew to New York and then straight to Dakar, Senegal. Praise God there were no complications and all our luggage made it. You would never believe the problems that can occur on international trips. It felt like a longer flight than past years. Maybe it was nerves...thankfully I was able to get some sleep.

We arrived the next morning at 6:00am and were greeted at the airport by some special people I call family, Maggie and Kyle, along with a couple good friends. From there, my parents and I split ways and I was brought to my apartment and new home for the year. To say I was excited is a bit of an understatement. I was full of so much joy to finally be here. Everyone kept waiting for jet lag to hit me, but I proved them wrong and it never did. How could I even think about sleeping when I just moved to Senegal??

Saying goodbye to Regan, Kaylen, and Sara

My last Starbucks before boarding the plane

And we're off!!

Moving in

Meet Wia. The sweet, but sassy kitty living with me for the year

Packing, Packing, Packing

The last two weeks before I left the country was complete craziness!! I can't even begin to describe how overwhelmed I was. I can honestly say I've never squeezed so much into such a short amount of time. There were doctor visits, dentist appointments, getting my passport renewed, a fundraiser, packing, and goodbyes. Least to say, I took a deep sigh of relief when I finally sat down on the plane.

It was a complete miracle that this bag actually zipped!

Our last family game night for awhile


Welcome to My Adventure

Hey Everyone!

As many of you know, I am currently living in Senegal, West Africa as a missionary for one year. I arrived on August 14th and have learned so many things since then. God is working in amazing ways, not only in the lives of the people I am ministering to, but in my own life as well.

I always said that I would never do a blog, yet here I am posting! It took me two months, but I finally gave in. It may take me awhile, but I will do my best to back track and get you caught up to date.

Please continue to keep me in your prayers. I would also love to hear how each one of you are doing.

In Christ,