Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Missions Retreat

During the week of August 23-28 my roommate, Erin, and I left to do a children's program at a missions retreat. We traveled about two hours out of the busy city of Dakar and faced the bumpy roads. Only in Africa does one drive beside the road, instead of on it, to avoid the potholes. But no worries, we arrived safely in the small city of Lac Rose, also known as pink lake. A short ways from the ocean sits a lagoon with water that actually appears pink due to the large amounts of salt.

The children's program was a huge success. We spent the week doing a type of VBS with stories, games, crafts, and movies. We taught the kids about prayer and explained how it is simply talking to God. By the end of the week, we had built some great relationships and I was sad to say goodbye.

This camel for whatever reason did not like me. I'm pretty sure I heard him growling at me.

This little boy gave us lots of giggles throughout the week. He found this kitten and it became his best friend.  Right before I snapped this picture, he was singing to it and rocking it back and forth in his arms. Next thing I know he's saying, "Tante, tante (Auntie Auntie), look!" I turn around to find him standing and holding the cat while he pretends to strum it as he yells, "It's a guitar!"

Movie nights were a hit!

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